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Researching digital learning

Digital technology offers immense potential to enhance and potentially transform learning. As teachers we need to seek out ways to harness the power of these technologies. We need to be acutely aware of what teaching methods we are replacing and evaluate what benefits the use of digital technologies are providing. Consider the following:


  • Will it enhance differentiation?

  • Will it enable to more effective assessment and feedback to students?

  • Will it promote collaborative learning?

  • Will it encourage greater creativity?

  • Will it enthuse and engage students?

  • Will it bring in real world experiences?

  • Will it develop important skills?

  • Will it be able to access information in a new way?

  • Will it help visualise information better?

  • Will it promote independent learning?


Here are some particularly useful links to explore research into using digital technology in schools:

Educational Endowment Foundation 

iPAC framework to assess use of mobile devices

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework

SAMR model 

Technology Integration Matrix

The European Pedagogical ICT licence

Education Technology Research publications

ICT Evangelist 

UK Ed Chat - ICT Magic


Further information about research into digital education will be added soon.

Digital Learning

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